According to the R.A.F. Station and Squadron Operation Record Books R.A.F. Harrowbeer lost 70 airmen, many killed in action from August 1941 until August 1945.
One of these was from natural causes, eleven were from various types of accidents on or around the airfield and the remainder while out on operational duties.
In addition to the above, in May 1943 four members of the Royal Artillery were killed in an accident while on a visit to the airfield
We must not, and will not forget these men who gave their lives so that we today can live in relative peace and harmony. Thank you and may you rest in peace.
Personnel Killed in Action or Who Died While Serving at R.A.F. Harrowbeer
No.19 Squadron
Sergeant Alan Lever Ridings 23rd June 1942 20 years old
No.64 Squadron
Flight Lieutenant Henry Joseph Meharry 5th August 1944 27 years old
Flying Officer Walter Thomas Dryburgh 7th July 1944 22 years old
Flying Officer Wallace Allan Smart 3rd July 1944 26 years old
Flying Officer Claude Alain Marie Schmitz 26th August 1944 24 years old
No.126 Squadron
Pilot Officer Lachlan Douglas Hinten 1st August 1944 21 years old
Segeant Lockie Missing believed killed 11th July 1944 Age unknown
No.131 Squadron
Warrant Officer Douglas Frederick Phillips 23rd April 1944 25 years old
No.175 Squadron
Flying Officer Donald Kenneth Robertson 2nd November 1942 23 years old
No.183 Squadron
Flying Officer Eugeniusz Gottowt 7th July 1943 27 years old
Squadron Leader Arthur Vincent Gowers 24th October 1943 30 years old
No.193 Squadron
Flight Sergeant John Richard King-Meggat 4th February 1944 23 years old
Flying Officer Richard Brian Dunmuir 15th February 1943 22 years old
Flying Officer Robert George MacLeod 6th January 1944 20 years old
Flight Lieutenant John Malcolm Crabb 7th January 1944 24 years old
No.263 Squadron
Squadron Leader Henri Alphonse Gonay 14th June 1944 30 years old
Flying Officer William James Windeler 15th June 1944 25 years old
Flight Sergeant Jack Donnelly Pringle 28th May 1944 21 years old
Squadron Leader Geoffrey Berrington Warnes 22nd February 1944 29 years old
Flying Officer Robert Bruce Tuff 22nd February 1944 21 years old
Flying Officer Robert Charles Hunter 22nd February 1944 Age unknown
Flying Officer Leon Parent 7th June 1944 21 years old
Flying Officer William Whitaker Heaton 9th June 1944 Age unknown
Flying Officer Alexander Barr 14th October 1944 24 years old
Flight Lieutenant David Patrick Bell 20th May 1944 21 years old
No.266 Squadron
Squadron Leader Peter William Lefevre 6th February 1944 25 years old
Flight Lieutenant Terence William Healy 2nd March 1944 23 years old
Flying Officer John Denis Miller 15th February 1944 23 years old
Flight Sergeant Dougal Drummond 15th February 1944 20 years old
No.276 Air Sea Rescue Squadron
Leading Aircraftman William Benjamin Bowen 5th July 1942 20 years old
Aircraftman 1st Class Raymond Stanley Whitbourn 5th July 1942 20 years old
Aircraftman 1st Class Ronald Charles Roper 5th July 1942 20 years old
Aircraftman 1st Class Raymond William Vallack 5th July 1942 22 years old
Pilot Officer Jack Douglas Ernst 24th August 1942 21 years old
Aircraftman 2nd Class Stuart Henry Fleet 24th August 1942 18 years old
Flight Sergeant Edmund Giles Sotheron-Estcourt 31st August 1943 21 years old
No.286 Air Co-operation Squadron
Pilot Officer Brian Holmes a Court 24th June 1943 21 years old
No.302 ( Polish ) Squadron
Sergeant Aleksander Przesmycki 18th December 1941 29 years old
Flight Lieutenant Koninski 26th January 1942 35 years old
Pilot Officer Bednarski 26th January 1942 26 years old
No.310 ( Czechoslovakia ) Squadron
Flying Officer Jan Doucha 7th November 1942 28 years old
No.312 ( Czechoslovakia ) Squadron
Wing Commander Alois Vasatko DFC 3rd June 1942 34 years old
Leading Aircraftman Josef Pavlat 3rd September 1942 27 years old
No.406 Squadron
Flight Sergeant Gordon Moir 16th July 1945 23 years old
Flying Officer Robert Sloan 16th July 1945 21 years old
No.453 Squadron
Flying Officer Harold Mason Parker 8th October 1943 25 years old
No.610 Squadron
Flying Officer Stanley Joseph Shewell 2nd October 1943 23 years old
Flight Lieutenant Ronald West 24th May 1944 25 years old
No.691 Squadron
Flight Sergeant Albert William Conrad Gledhill 2nd March 1945 21 years old
Leading Aircraftman Arthur Mastin 12th May 1945 39 years old
Sergeant Kazimierz Tadeusz Bakas 8th June 1945 21 years old
Leading Aircraftman Cyril Parkin Heaps 8th June 1945 21 years old
No.838 Fleet Air Arm Squadron
Lieutenant ( A ) James Benjamin Cook 1st May 1944 30 years old
Petty Officer Airman Richard Crawford Grapes 1st May 1944 21 years old
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) Stanley Frederick Such 1st May 1944 23 years old
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) David James Hanson 1st May 1944 22 years old
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) Leslie Frank Hayward 1st May 1944 24 years old
Leading Airman Brian Lambert Rowntree 1st May 1944 19 years old
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) Edward Thompson Clark 1st May 1944 23 years old
Petty Officer Albert Rockley 1st May 1944 20 years old
Sub-Lieutenant Ian Wilson 1st May 1944 24 years old
78 Signals Wing Calibration Flight
Leading Aircraftman Eric Arthur Dawes 26th October 1941 21 years old
No.2 Aircraft Delivery Flight
Flight Sergeant Douglas Small 9th November 1942 22 years old
Flight Sergeant Sydney Watkins 9th November 1942 27 years old
Flying Control Staff
Flight Lieutenant Robert Knyvett Coupland 21st February 1942 42 years old
Other Ranks
L.A.C. William Maguire 12th March 1942 21 years old
A.C.1 I. J. Lewis 2nd June 1942 20 years old
Visiting Military Personnel Killed in an Accident on the Airfield.
Royal Artillery
Gunner Jack Brittan 18th May 1943 22 years old
Gunner Alfred Masey 19th May 1943 23 years old
Lance Bombadier William Longhurst 18th May 1943 22 years old
Gunner Reginald Hoare 18th May 1943 20 years old
Aircrew from Aircraft Accidents on Dartmoor and Buried in
Buckland Monachorum Cemetery
No.41 Squadron - Spitfire
Flying Officer Kenneth Basil Robinson 7th June 1944 22 years old
No.142 Squadron - Wellington
Sergeant Edward Henry Bastow 6th October 1942 38 years old
Flying Officer George Hammond Edgett 6th October 1942 28 years old
No.207 Squadron - Lancaster
Flight Sergeant Richard Lewis Mellish 24th May 1942 21 years old
Sergeant Charles Arthur Pankhurst 24th May 1942 35 years old
No.224 Squadron - Liberator
Flying Officer Victor Edward Crowther 30th October 1942 24 years old
Sergeant William Gilmour Fraser 30th October 1942 24 years old
Pilot Officer William Ballantyne Martin 30th October 1942 26 years old
Aircrew who died in accidents on Dartmoor
and their remains taken back home for burial.
No.38 Squadron - Wellington
Pilot Officer Frederick John Cooke 1st March 1944 22 years old
Flight Sergeant Alfred Gordon Beeston 1st March 1944 22 years old
Sergeant John Yates 1st March 1944 21 years old
Flight Sergeant William McLennan Jack 1st March 1944 26 years old
No.142 Squadron - Wellington
( two of the crew are buried in Buckland Monachorum Cemetery )
Sergeant Bennie 6th October 1942 Age unknown
Sergeant Partington 6th October 1942 20 years old
No.149 Squadron - Stirling
Sergeant Geofrey Ernest Robertson 21st August 1942 25 years old
Sergeant Peter Edward James Jenkins 21st August 1942 22 years old
Sergeant Dudley Howard Harris 21st August 1942 20 years old
Sergeant Dennis Roy Simpson 21st August 1942 26 years old
Sergeant Lawrence Henry Nicholson 21st August 1942 21 years old
Sergeant Frank Sidney Clarke 21st August 1942 25 years old
Sergeant Cecil Jaques Bond 21st August 1942 19 years old
No.207 Squadron - Lancaster
( two of the crew are buried in Buckland Monachorum Cemetery )
Sergeant A. P. Parsons 24th May 1942 31 years old
Flight Sergeant L. M. Smith 24th May 1942 30 years old
No.224 Squadron
Pilot Officer William Cruickshanks 30th October 1942 Age unknown
Flying Officer Gavin Sellar 30th October 1942 Age unknown
No.263 Squadron - Whirlwind
Flight Lieutenant W. Smith 29th December 1940 25 years old
Pilot Officer D. Vine 29th December 1940 23 years old
No.1653 H.C.U. - Stirling
Sergeant George James Canham 12th September 1944 22 years old
Flying Officer Norman Hector MacDonald 12th September 1944 25 years old
Sergeant George Frederick Bennet 12th September 1944 19 years old
Sergeant Thomas Wyper Hunter 12th September 1944 Age unknown
Flying Officer Roger William Murphy 12th September 1944 Age unknown
Sergeant Michael Nichols Jones 12th September 1944 21 years old
Flying Officer Samuel Kellington McGuigan 12th September 1944 23 years old
Sergeant Lawrence William Bond 12th September 1944 20 years old
U.S.A.A.F. 78th Fighter Group
Second Lieutenant Jerome L. Foreman 1st March 1943 Age unknown
The ' ten ' Airmen buried in Buckland Monachorum,
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, Yelverton, Devon are :-
Flight Lieutenant Robert Knyvett Coupland - R.A.F. Harrowbeer Flying Control Staff
Flight Lieutenant Robert Coupland died of natural causes while serving at R.A.F. Harrowbeer.
Flying Officer Kenneth Basil Robinson - No.41 Squadron
Flying Officer Robinson was Stationed at R.A.F. Bolt Head. He was flying his Spitfire MK XII aircraft on escort duties to Typhoon aircraft when he was hit by flak and baled out twenty miles north of Guernsey on the 7th June 1944.
Successive Spitfire patrols orbited him and a Warwick and Walrus aircraft on No.276 Air Sea Rescue Squadron at once went to pick him up. The sea was too rough for the Walrus to reach him after it had landed. Flying Officer Robinson was thrown out of his dinghy by the rough sea. A High Speed Launch eventually picked him up, but Flying Officer Robinson was found to be dead. The High Speed Launch towed the Walrus back to Salcombe,Devon arriving at 1730 hours.
Flying Officer Donald Kenneth Robertson - No.175 Squadron
On November the 2nd 1942 Flying Officer Robertson was detailed for a night flying sortie in his Hurricane aircraft as part of a training programme for the Army manned searchlight crews in the Yelverton area. Flying Officer Robertson was an experienced pilot but made a mistake which proved to be a fatal one.
Sometime during the exercise he must have taken his eye off his instruments, looked outside his cockpit and became dazzled by the beam from the searchlights. He lost control of his aircraft and crashed half a mile north east of Yelverton and was killed on impact.
Sergeant Charles Arthur Pankhurst
Sergeant Richard Lewis Mellish - both from No.207 Squadron
On the 24th May 1942 a Lancaster aircraft of No.207 Squadron, Serial No.R5617 from R.A.F. Bottesford crashed at Standen Hill near Tavistock, Devon due to poor visibility. The Lancaster was on a training flight when the weather began to deteriorate rendering visibility to practically zero. The crew were unable to maintain their position and began to descend when the tragedy happened.
Four of the crew died instantly and two were seriously injured. A rescue party from R.A.F. Harrowbeer brought back the occupants of the crash to the R.A.F. Harrowbeer Station Sick Quarters.
Two members of the crew Sergeant Pankhurst and Sergeant Mellish were buried in Buckland Monachorum Cemetery with full military honours.
The other two members of the crew that died were :-Sergeant Paterson and Flight Sergeant Smith. The pilot, Sergeant Paul was admitted to Tavistock District Hospital, then transferred to C. S. Q. R.A.F. Torquay. The rear gunner, Flight Sergeant Whiteman was admitted to the R.A.F. Harrowbeer Station Sick Quarters.
Sergeant Edward Henry Bastow
Flying Officer George Hammond Edgett - both from No.142 Squadron
In the early hours of the 6th October 1942 a Wellington aircraft of No.142 Squadron, Code letters QT - M, Serial No.BK281 from R.A.F. Grimsby, Lincolnshire crashed on a section of moorland in the Princetown area. Four of the crew died and one was injured.
Sergeant Bastow and Flying Officer Edgett's aircraft was part of an operation consisting of fifteen Squadrons of Wellingtons, Halifaxes, Stirlings and Lancaster bombers from various airfields around Britain. They had a successful mission and were on their way home when their aircraft became engulfed in heavy cloud making visibility very bad. The navigator was having difficulty in plotting a course and the radio was having trouble getting a signal. By this time the aircraft was over dangerously high ground over the south west of England. The Wellington lost considerable height and crashed near Princetown on Dartmoor. Due to the bad weather the crash site was not located until sometime during the 7th October 1942 and the bodies were able to be recovered.
Flying Officer Victor Edward Crowther
Sergeant William Gilmour Fraser
Pilot Officer William Ballantyne Martin - all three from No.224 Squadron
On the 30th October 1942 at 1920 hours R.A.F. Harrowbeer received a warning from No.19 Group that a Liberator aircraft, Serial No.FK242 of No.224 Squadron was approaching R.A.F. Harrowbeer in distress. The aircraft made two circuits over the airfield but the cloud base was very low and the Liberator eventually crashed at Fullamoor Farm, three miles north of the airfield. The Liberator had been carrying out anti-submarine duties over the Bay of Biscay.
RAF Harrowbeer Archives, Education & Heritage Ctr
Knightstone, Crapstone Road, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6BT GB
Archivist - Michael Hayes 01822 853679
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