The date for this year's ' Tractor Rally ' is Sunday May 18th on the land outside ' Knightstone Tearooms ', Crapstone Road, Yelverton.
The day is always a great day-out for all the family with something for everyone.
There are normally around forty tractors ( old and new ) that about eleven o'clock leave the compound and have a drive round the local roads arriving back at around three o'clock ready for the raffle. For those left behind there are various stalls of all types for people to browse and purchase items from.
Food and drinks are available throughout the day.
Please come and support your local community.
The R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives, Education and Heritage Centre will also be open all day for hot and cold drinks plus pre-packed cakes and biscuits.
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The R.A.F. Harrowbeer 1940's Week-end is over the week-end of 16th and 17th August 2025 on the land outside ' Knightstone Tearooms ', Crapstone Road, Yelverton.
Two days of great fun and excitement - not to be missed.
The two days are packed with re-enactors, military vehicles, stalls, singing and dancing, plus lots, lots more.
The R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives, Education and Heritage Centre will also be open all day for hot and cold drinks plus pre-packed cakes and biscuits.
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We at the Archives have had a very busy year during 2024 with a large amount of visits by schools, Beaver and Cub Scout Groups, local History Groups, Organizations as well as members of the general public ( both families and individuals ).
I would like to thank my team of volunteers ( and especially Lucy - my wife ) who without their help the Archives would not be able to operate in the way it does.
2025 looks to be equally as busy - if not more so.
Schools are booking their visits for a World War Two Experience Day at the Archives, in fact we had our first visit of the year on Friday 17th January ( get in touch for an Education Pack, call in and see us or download a pack from this Website ).
Contact, Archivist - Michael Telephone - 01822 853679
Email -
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There will be another R.A.F. Harrowbeer 1940's Week-end this year in August - date to be confirmed. Keep in touch.
We would like to take this opportunity of wishing all the
followers to the website a
Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Archives will be closed from Sunday 22nd December over Christmas and re-open on the Sunday 29th December.
Our opening times for 2025 are exactly the same as now :-
Wednesday 10.00 - 04.00 pm and Sundays 11.00 - 04.00pm. for the General Public.
The rest of the week is allocated for school visits, organisations and clubs, etc.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to seeing you some time in 2025. Michael Hayes - Archivist
Next main event is August 17th and 18th 2024
The R.A.F. Harrowbeer 1940's Week-end
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19th May 2024 Yelverton Tractor Rally
Sunday only from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm
On the moorland outside ' Knightstone Tearooms ' / ' R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives and Educational Heritage Centre '
Vintage Tractors and farming equipment, classic and vintage vehicles, side stalls, etc.
Hot dogs , burgers, cakes, hot and cold drinks, etc. available/
The Archives and Tearooms will be open for everyone to view.
1st June 2024 Woodland Fort celebrate ' D - Day 80 years '
A one day event in the Historic building at Woodland's Fort, Honicknowle, Plymouth. 10.00 am until 4.00 pm
Tabletop exhibits - Re-enactors - Historic vehicles - Singers - etc.
17th and 18th August R.A.F. Harrowbeer 1940'S Week-end
A week-end of historic enjoyment with lots of things to view, take part in and experience. Learn about R.A.F. Harrowbeer and why it was at Yelverton and the role it played during the Second World War. Re-enactors, historic / classic vehicles, various stalls, 1940's music, dancing and singing. A Cheetah working engine with re-tractable undercarriage as used on an Anson aeroplane.
A two day event on the moorland between ' Knightstone Tearooms ' and the first Dispersal Bay on the old airfield. The Tearooms will also be open on both days for hot and cold drinks, pre-packed cakes and biscuits.
Flight Sergeant Jack ( Paddy ) Donnelly Pringle R.A.F.V.R., Service No.1485878 was twenty one years old when he was killed in a tragic accident. Flight Sergeant Jack Pringle liked to be known as ' Paddy '. His home was in Belfast, Ireland where he lived with his family before joining the Royal Air Force. Paddy had already lost his Father and one of his brothers during the early 1940's. He had not long turned twenty one when his Mother was taken seriously ill and was rushed into hospital ( not expecting to survive ). Paddy was granted compassionate leave to return to Ireland and look after the rest of the family. Paddy's mother made a remarkable recovery and was released from hospital. Paddy had to return to R.A.F. Harrowbeer on Friday the 26th May 1944. We do not know how long he was on leave for but on Sunday the 28th May 1944 he took his first flight for a while. Paddy took off in a Typhoon aircraft as No.2 to another pilot Flight Sergeant Ian Dunlop on a practice / familiarisation flight early on the Sunday morning. There was a church service underway when Flight Sergeant Paddy Pringle's Typhoon aircraft wing-tip struck the pinnacle of St. Paul's Church of England Church, Yelverton, this caused six stones to be dislodged and roll down the roof. The service carried on, but the children ran outside to see what was happening. The Typhoon after hitting the pinnacle nose-dived into the ground landing in a field at Gratton Bottom, the aircraft caught fire and Paddy was killed instantly.
Flight Sergeant Jack ' Paddy ' Pringle's body was taken back to Ireland to be laid to rest in the ' Carmony Cemetery Belfast ' in Section - AL Grave - 36.
May he rest in peace.
No, 838 Fleet Air Arm Squadron :- They arrived at R.A.F. Station Harrowbeer on the 20th April 1944 with Fairey Swordfish aircraft from R.A.F. Machrihanish, Scotland.
The Squadron were only here for a very short period leaving R.A.F. Station Harrowbeer on the 8th August for duties at R.A.F. Worthy Down, Hampshire.
While at R.A.F. Harrowbeer the detachment was a General Reconnaissance Wing which was formed in Knightstone House ( now the Knightstone / R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archive, Educational and Heritage Centre ) ' The Original Watch Office ' on the 22nd April 1944 under the control of No.19 Group. The Squadron became part of No.156 Wing Coastal Command.
On the night of the 30th April 1944 twelve Fairey Swordfish aircraft were sent off on an operation out in the English Channel. It is believed that the mission was to fire rockets at a beached German Destroyer somewhere off the French Coast. Unfortunately they were given wrong co-ordinates. The ones given turned out to be that of a Mine-sweeper in a heavily defended harbour, ( Abervrach ) approximately 10 - 15 miles further to the East which Typhoon aircraft had been attacking during the day. R.A.F. Harrowbeer and No.838 F.A.A. Squadron lost three aircraft and their crews in the very early hours of May 1st 1944. Two of the aircraft crashed in France, the third was badly damaged and ditched in the sea off the English Coast. The remaining nine aircraft immediately turned for home where they landed safely.
The air-crew of the three aircraft were :-
Lieutenant ( A ) J. B. Cook
Pilot Officer Airman R. C. Grapes
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) S. F. Such
Sub-Lieutenant E. T. Clarke
Pilot Officer A. Rockley
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) I. L. R. Wilson
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) D. J. Hanson
Sub-Lieutenant ( A ) . F. Hayward
Leading Airman B. L. Rowntree
For many years the nephew of Sub-Lieutenant Leslie Frank Hayward
had an ' In Memoriam ' placed in one of the National Newspapers.
A customer to the ' Knightstone Tearooms ' showed me ( the Archivist )
a copy of this and contact was made with Leslie's nephew and his family.
This resulted in a visit by them to R.A.F. Harrowbeer and a tour of the
airfield and a look at the research that had been carried out regarding
the incident. Four families of the nine air-crew have been in touch with
the Archives and information has been exchanged for which we are
particularly grateful. The Archives recognise these nine airmen as real
heroes and should never be forgotten - May they rest in peace.
HAYWARD :- In memory of Sub-Lt. ( A ) Leslie Frank Hayward RNZNVR,
pilot of Swordfish II NE923 / G 838 Squadron F.A.A.
R.A.F. Harrowbeer, and his crew, Sub-Lt. ( A ) David Hanson
F.A.A. and Leading Airman Brian Rowntree F.A.A., shot down
by flak over Baie des Anges, Brittany at 00:15hours, 1st May
1944. Uncle Les is proudly remembered by his family both
in New Zealand ad the U.K.
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The team here at the R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives Educational and Heritage Centre hope that you all had a very pleasant and happy New Year.
It was nice catching up with relatives, friends and also the various visitors that came by to have a look around the various Archive areas.
The month of January started relatively quiet ( mainly due to the weather ) but there is always plenty to get on with behind the scenes - paperwork, cataloguing, re-arranging exhibits, etc. but never too busy to stop and have a chat and a cup of tea.
The Archives received several donations of aviation books and in particular some items from a family who's father was in the Royal Army Medical Corps which consisted of medical books going back to the First World War. There was also a quantity of Second World War Army Maps of Europe plus items of German personal equipment.
Our latest acquisition is a 1950 / 1960's ex R.A.F. Airborne Lifeboat Trailer which needed rescuing from a local boatyard. This is now at the Educational and Heritage Centre awaiting refurbishing. More details to follow as and when research of ' type and photographs, etc. ' can be obtained.
January finished with a School Educational visit by two Primary Schools that combined, making thirty six children and four adults from the Landscove area. They had a very full and informative day ( the weather could have been a bit better ) but we made the best of it. We were very impressed with the behaviour, politeness and respect for the volunteers, school staff and the artefacts they were shown. Certainly a credit to the school.
Another group of twelve family and friends booked in for a Saturday talk on R.A.F. Harrowbeer and viewing of the artefacts lasting from 1000 am until 330 pm.
Starting with tea / coffee and cake - talk - packed lunch - viewing - more tea / coffee - home. A great day had by all.
February is set to be a fairly busy month with two School Educational visits by :- Horrabridge Primary and Thornberry Primary School.
Please contact us if you want to visit ( out of opening times ) or discuss a visit.
Michael Hayes telephone 01822 853679
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We at the ' Knightstone / R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives, Educational and Heritage
Centre ' would like to take this opportunity to wish all our followers a very
' Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year '
The Heritage Centre is open after Christmas from
Wednesday the 3rd of January 2024
( Wednesdays and Sundays or by appointment )
when we look forward to meeting anybody interested in the history of
R.A.F. Harrowbeer or for a hot drink and a piece of cake.
We are always interested a chat, maybe you have a wartime / blitz story
that you would like to share with us.
Thank you for your support Michael
We at the Heritage Centre have been fairly busy during the months of October and November with various Primary School visits from as far as Newton Abbot and Totnes.
The groups vary between twenty five and thirty six children plus teachers and assistants.
The children have a full and very busy day listening to information and looking at original World War Two artefacts in a controlled environment. After they have had their packed lunch we have a session outside on the old airfield before the group return back to school.
For more information and a typical days programme please go to website pages :-
Educational Visits or contact Michael Hayes on telephone :- 01822 853679
The Heritage Centre also welcomes groups and organisations who want to learn about R.A.F. Harrowbeer and it's role in the Second World War.
On Monday the 16th October 2023 R.A.F. Harrowbeer celebrates it's 80th Anniversary of when No.193 Squadron received nine Typhoon aircraft from money raised by the
' Fellowship of the Bellows of Brazil '.
More information is available in the pages on this website titled
' The archives 80 years ago '.
A large amount of material is also available for viewing in the R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives on No.193 Squadron and also ' The Fellowship of the Bellows '.
The Archives are open Wednesdays and Sundays or by appointment.
A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY - AUGUST the 19th and 20th 2023
The " R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archive Educational and Heritage Centre "
will be open on both Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 am until 17.00 pm.
There will be stalls in the car park under marquees selling books, . sweatshirts, aviation related items, toys, games, bric-a-brac and
various other items of interest.
The grounds will be open showing the ' Anderson Shelter, Morrison Shelter,
Air Raid Warden's Post, Airborne Lifeboat, Spitfire Cockpit and Museum
( in the garage ) besides cabinets etc. inside the Tea Rooms.
Hot and cold drinks, pre-packed cakes and biscuits
available inside the Tea Rooms.
Any questions regarding R.A.F. HARROWBEER and the ARCHIVES, MUSEUM, ETC. please ask for the Archivist - Michael or Lucy Hayes in the Tea Rooms,
or telephone :- 01822 853679
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There is always lots to see and do with various stalls, re-enactors, music, singing and food outlets. Please come and support this locally organised event.
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April was a very busy month for the Centre with lots of re-arranging of cabinets and artrefacts with Spring cleaning going on inside the Tearooms and Museum. There is still plenty to do in trying out new layouts and putting out items that may not have been seen before. It is always great to hear visitors feedback and is always taken on board. Please talk to Michael ( the Archivist ) if you have any comments or suggestions.
There has been a few items donated by various visitors that are either connected with the R.A.F. or the Second World War. After these have been catalogued they will be put out on show.
There is a lot of back-ground research going on by one of our researchers on some World War One medals and artefacts that have been purchased locally. The story behind some of these items is amazing. When the research is complete the findings will be available for anyone interested to come and view.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, i am always glad to meet and talk to anyone interested in our history - Michael
Please note :- the Archives, Educational and Heritage Centre will be closed on Easter Sunday but open on Easter Monday from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm.
The R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archive, Education and Heritage Centre is becoming very popular on its Wednesday and Sunday openings with a lot of interested individuals and families wanting to find out what happened in this area of Yelverton.
We finished the month of February with a visit of thirty schoolchildren from an Ivybridge School who were working with the Dartmoor National Park Rangers carrying out scrub clearance and litter picking for the day on the 28th.
Three groups of ten children and adults came over to the Centre in turn to hear about the history of this area and view World War Two artefacts.
A fantastic day of outdoor learning for the children.
On Saturday the 18th March we have a local group of adults spending the day at the Centre. We shall be starting with a talk on the aerodrome and its history followed by viewing the artefacts / museum / etc. and finishing with a walk around part of the aerodrome.
If you are a school teacher or member of a group that would like to arrange a visit for your club or organisation please contact Michael Hayes on 01822 853679.
We are now entering our third month at R.A.F. Harrowbeer Archives promoting the Education and Heritage Centre new venture.
Since the 1st December 2022 we have played host to four local primary schools who spent the day learning about rationing, gas masks, air raid shelters, etc. finishing up with an exercise on the airfield before returning back to school.
There have been two visits by children working with the Dartmoor National Park on the airfield for a one hour visits each and there have been a considerable amount of individuals ( local and tourist ).
The ' Centre ' is open on Wednesdays and Sundays serving hot and cold drinks with pre-packed cakes and biscuits.
If you would like to find out more or to book a visit please contact me on - telephone 01822 853679. Archivist - Michael Hayes
We welcome - schools, groups and individuals by appointment.
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RAF Harrowbeer Archives, Education & Heritage Ctr
Knightstone, Crapstone Road, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6BT GB
Archivist - Michael Hayes 01822 853679
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